Cross Cultural Understanding

Cross Cultural Understanding


Many people who go abroad encounter features in their host culture that they may find disturbing.reaction to these alien aspects of the new culture can dampen the entire experience in the country,resulting in various kinds of negative reactions.To adapt positively and effective.
The fundamental intention of cross cultural training is to equip the learner(s) with the appropriate skills to attain cross cultural understanding.
The different types of appreciation are cross cultural knowledge, cross cultural awareness, cross cultural sensitivity and cross cultural competence. Although all the terms may appear similar in meaning, subtle differences exist between them.

B.     Problem Formulations
1.      What is Cross Cultural Understanding?
2.      What is culture?
3.      What is language?
4.      What is the beneficial of Cross Cultural Understanding?


A.    The Definition Of Cross Cultural Understanding
Cross Cultural Understanding derived from three words that cross, cultural, and understanding, of the three words different meanings. Understanding of the Cross is cross-culture, the culture between both countries that lasted through the mass media or through other means mutually influence each culture. Culture is the "glue" that binds a group of people together. (Douglas-Brown, 1994). Culture is an Elusive construct constantly that shifts over time and According to who is perceiving and interpreting it. (Linda Harklau-1999). In Classic, the culture is Called culture, which comes from the Latin word Colere, the process or work. Can be also interpreted as to cultivate the land or farming. The word culture is also sometimes translated as "culture" in Indonesian. Understanding Inter-Personal (Interpersonal Understanding) is the desire to understand others. It is the ability to listen and accurately understand the thoughts, feelings, other people's problems That cannot be uttered or not fully delivered. This competency measure complexity and depth of understanding of other people, also including cross-cultural sensitivity. So, the definition of cross-cultural understanding are: All human beings experience the same felling Plus They travel to or live in a different country or culture. (Obeg, 1998). Whenever someone goes overseas,he is like a fish out of water. (Mason, 2000).
Terminology within the cross cultural communication field can sometimes be baffling to those reading the literature ,websites or promotional material.Many ask what is the difference between ‘intercultural’and ‘cross cultural’?what is’cross cultural awareness’as opposed to ‘cross cultural knowledge’or,are’cultural sensitivity’and and cultural competence’the same thing?
With a view to clarifying some of the above mentioned termonology,will examine terms used in relation to building cross cultural understanding within the business world. 
Cross cultural understanding simply refers to the basic ability of people within business to recognize, interpret and correctly react to people, incidences or situations that are open to misunderstanding due to cultural differences. The fundamental intention of cross cultural training is to equip the learner(s) with the appropriate skills to attain cross cultural understanding.
Once the foundations of cross cultural understanding have been laid, the learner(s), either through continued training or experiences within the workplace, gradually attains a more acute appreciation of cultural differences. The different types of appreciation are cross cultural knowledge, cross cultural awareness, cross cultural sensitivity and cross cultural competence. Although all the terms may appear similar in meaning, subtle differences exist between them.
'Cross Cultural Knowledge' is critical to basic cross cultural understanding. Without it cross cultural appreciation cannot take place. It refers to a surface level familiarization with cultural characteristics, values, beliefs and behaviors.
'Cross Cultural Awareness' develops from cross cultural knowledge as the learner understands and appreciates a culture internally. This may also be accompanied by changes within the learner's behavior and attitudes such as a greater flexibility and openness.
'Cross Cultural Sensitivity' is a natural by-product of awareness and refers to an ability to read into situations, contexts and behaviors that are culturally rooted and be able to react to them appropriately. A suitable response necessitates that the actor no longer carries his/her own culturally determined interpretations of the situation or behavior (i.e. good/bad, right/wrong) which can only be nurtured through both cross cultural knowledge and awareness.
'Cross Cultural Competence' is and should be the aim of all those dealing with multicultural clients, customers or colleagues. 'Competence' is the final stage of cross cultural understanding and signifies the actor's ability to work effectively across cultures. Cross cultural competency is beyond knowledge, awareness and sensitivity in that it is the digestion, integration and transformation of all the skills and information acquired through them, applied to create cultural synergy within the workplace.
B.     Definition of Language
Language as one element of culture has a very important role in human life. Language allows a person communicating with others in meeting their needs. Thus, it can be said is the main function of language as a communication tool. This does not mean that the language has only one function. Another function is as a tool to express self-expression, a tool to make integration and social adaptation, as well as a tool to hold social control. (Keraf, 1980: 3)
Based on these functions, also mentioned that "Language is a means of communication between members of the public symbol of the sound produced by means of said human" (Keraf, 1980: 1). Similar opinion was also expressed by Sitindoan (1984: 17) states "Language is a symbol of the sound produced by means of said human, and the system has means that are arbitrary; used by men in her life as a means of communication between each other to form, express , and communicate thoughts and feelings. Cultural social nature".
Based on the notions described above, it is clear that the language was intended in this paper is a communication tool produced by the tool man has said symbol, system, meaning, and social are arbitrary and culturally. Every language has a symbol. With the symbol will facilitate communication, although not directly dealing with the object. This is because each symbol already contains a concept or understanding. In order for the meaning of the symbols are understood, every language user must understand and follow the system language is used. Language system contains rules or rules that must be obeyed by the user's language. If not obeyed, the delivery information may be chaotic or communication cannot happen.
Languages are arbitrary means no direct relationship between the symbol with the symbolized. Symbolic emergence of an object is based on the convention. However, even so to be able to understand a language must be studied and used as a communication tool.

C.      Definition of Culture
Culture is the whole communication system that binds and allows operation of a set of people called the public. Thus culture can be defined as a "system of rules of communication and interaction that allows a society occurs, preserved, and preserved". Culture that gives meaning to all business and human movements. (Nababan, 1984: 49)
Based on the above definition, clearly shows that between humans and culture are inseparable. Similarly, between the Indonesian and Indonesian culture. This is because human beings live alongside Indonesia in a unit area of ethnic communities, also live in a unity of the Republic of Indonesia. In this regard, they hold one culture, according to the conception of insight archipelago, Indonesia is the national culture (Geriya, 1996: 71).
Culture can also be interpreted as "the activities and the creation of the mind (reason) people like: faith, art, etc." For example, Chinese Culture, Culture of Indonesia, and Javanese culture. (Poerwadarminta, 1983: 157). Based on this understanding, we can say that only humans have culture. This is due to living things is people who have sense and reason to generate culture.
In a culture we can find so many things that are called the features of Culture. The Feature of Cultures are :
1.      Behaviors.
2.      Habit
3.      Customs
4.      Way of Life / Human life
5.      Communication
6.      System of Knowledge
7.      Value
8.      Belief.
9.      Moral Value
10.  Tradition
11.  Pattern
12.  Attitude
13.  Construct.

D.    The Benefits of Cross Culture Understanding
Cross cultural differences can and do impede upon communication and interpersonal relationships. In the business world this occurs daily, where people from different cultures interact and are expected to perform and make decisions. Cross cultural training aims to develop awareness between people where a common cultural framework does not exist in order to promote clear lines of communication and better relationships.
Cross cultural training has many benefits to be gained by both participants and businesses. For participants in cross cultural training, the main benefits are that it helps:

1.      People Learn About Themselves: Through cross cultural training, people are exposed to facts and information about their own cultures, preconceptions, mentalities and worldviews that they may otherwise not have contemplated. Cross cultural training helps people learn more about themselves through learning about others.

2.      Encourage Confidence: Cross cultural training promotes self-confidence in individuals and teams through empowering them with a sense of control over previously difficult challenges in the workplace.

3.      Break Down Barriers: All of us have certain barriers such as preconceptions, prejudices and stereotypes that obstruct our understanding of other people. Cross cultural training demystifies other cultures through presenting them under an objective light. Through learning about other cultures, barriers are slowly chipped away thus allowing for more open relationships and dialogue.

4.      Build Trust: When people’s barriers are lowered, mutual understanding ensues, which results in greater trust. Once trust is established altruistic tendencies naturally manifest allowing for greater co-operation and a more productive workplace.

5.      Motivate: One of the outcomes of cross cultural training is that people begin to see their roles within the workplace more clearly. Through self-analysis people begin to recognize areas in which they need to improve and become motivated to develop and progress.

6.      Open Horizons: Cross cultural training addresses problems in the workplace at a very different angle to traditional methods. Its innovative, alternative and motivating way of analysis and resolving problems helps people to adopt a similarly creative strategy when approaching challenges in their work or personal lives.

7.      Develop Interpersonal Skills: Through cross cultural training participants develop great ‘people skills’ that can be applied in all walks of life. By learning about the influence of culture, i.e. the hidden factors upon people’s behavior, those who undertake cross cultural training begin to deal with people with a sensitivity and understanding that may have previously been lacking.

8.      Career Development: Cross cultural training enhances people’s skills and therefore future employment opportunities. Having cross cultural awareness gives people a competitive edge over others especially when applying for positions in international companies with a large multi-cultural staff base.

The above benefits are but a few of the many ways in which cross cultural training positively affects businesses through staff training and development.

Many institutions offer students a chance to be trained on different aspects of the various world cultures. Usually, larger institutions offer this cross cultural courses and foreign languages to their students free of charge. A student who intends to be on the international front as part of his career should therefore grab such opportunities. The benefits include:
1.      Cross cultural training breaks down barriers developed due to prejudiced perceptions and preconceptions towards other cultures. When such barriers are demystified, better relationships between people of different cultures can be formed.

2.      Effective communication is attained when people learn foreign languages. This ensures that important information can be passed to the targeted group without any hindrance. This is a big benefit to organizations which work with multicultural communities.
3.      Career development is another area which benefits from cross cultural training. An individual who has received cross cultural training has a competitive career advantage as compared to those who are not exposed to multicultural interactions.

4.      When people receive cross cultural training, trust is built between the parties involved. Mutual understanding is driven by trust and for this, co-operation between cultures is enhanced.

5.      Cross cultural training helps one to understand his own culture. You cannot learn another culture unless you have a good understanding of your own. It therefore helps an individual to become aware of his own cultural values and how they are perceived by other cultures.

6.      As a result of cross cultural training, learners are able to develop good tolerance, interpersonal and listening skills. This is vital for effective communication as one learns the logics and customs of other cultural practices.

7.      Intercultural training helps an individual to adjust to a new working or living environment fast. It reduces culture shock as one is trained to think positively and to embrace new cultures.


National culture has always been a complex and difficult construct to define. In today’s globalizing world where cultures increasingly connect and collide, the art of finding distinctive or even unique characteristics of any national culture is becoming harder. Greater access to knowledge, data and multiple opinions adds complexity rather than simplifies our ability to capture and distil the essence of a nations’ culture accurately.  


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